Permanent makeup is also known as semi-permanent makeup, cosmetic tattooing, microblading and micropigmentation. Tiny amounts of pigment are implanted into the dermis layer of the skin using either a microblade or tattoo machine hand piece.

There is minimal pain during the treatment due to pre numbing cream and anaesthetic gel used during the treatment. Plucking eyebrows can be more painful and client feedback is that it can feel a little scratchy. I will keep you as comfortable as possible during your treatment.

The pigment will fade over time as the pigment disperses along with skin cells.
The longevity of the pigment can depend on many factors. Sun exposure, the shade of colour, your personal care routine, age.
It will last approximately 2-5 years.

I offer a top up service between 12 to 18 months after your initial treatment.
This is to refresh the colour and shape and to keep your makeup looking flawless.
This service is 50 % of your initial treatment price but unfortunately is only available to clients who had their Permanent Makeup done with me initially.

There are a number of reasons why clients decide to have permanent makeup.

  • Failing eyesight or visually impaired
  • Have experienced hair loss due to illness such as cancer or alopecia
  • People with sensitive skin and maybe allergic to some cosmetics or eye creams
  • Have sparse or patchy brows or used to heavily over pluck
  • Sporty people who don’t want smudged makeup when they are sweating or swimming
  • Have a busy lifestyle and just don’t have time to apply makeup
  • People who find applying makeup really difficult
  • Those who want to enhance their natural features but don’t want to have to apply makeup every day or find applying makeup difficult


The procedure requires 2 appointments 6 weeks apart. This allows for healing time following the initial procedure. The colour will fade over time as the pigment disperse along with skin cells I allow 2 hours for each of these appointments. The treatment price includes both appointments, consultation and aftercare.

Some swelling and redness can be expected up to 24 hours after the treatment.
A cold compress can be used to reduce any swelling in the eye area.
No makeup should be applied for 5 days following the treatment.
Sun exposure and swimming should also be avoided for 5 days.
Normal healing time is 4-7 days